Wednesday, 27 February 2008

27-Feb Footy vs DMA

RG's lost 11-7 but it wasn't all bad according to debut cap winner Steve 'Rabbo' Rabson; "We looked good in the warm up". We knew we were in trouble when the opposition turned up in spotless tracksuits. "They're not painters" said the nimble Lambourn. It seems Dave Montebello has been scouting local football pitches and bagged an entire team which he then sponsored. However we started well; going 2-0 up. The oppo was 'surprisingly fat' which normally would have worked in our favour, but for some reason it didn't. Frosty blamed himself "I didn't know anyone's name" he said to no one in particular. Mo Halli was voted Man of the Match and can be seen above accepting the Golden (Chicken) Nugget Trophy. Special mention goes to someone who did something in green socks, but I can't read my notes because they've got dip on them. Thanks to DMA for a top night
Lambourn (2), Woodger, Shaw, Lee (2), Frost, Halli (1), Roles, Kowazaki, Rabson, Allaway (2)

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